
Category: Writing

3 traits every professional editor should have in 2019!


The importance of a good editor

Many underestimate the importance of good writing. It might seem to be a basic skill, especially nowadays, when everyone has access to a computer and a text editor that can underline all of their mistakes.

However, we all tend to make more errors than we think, especially when we don’t really know what to look for. This is especially important for businesses, as a single piece of poorly written content can make you lose all credibility. What you need in order to make sure that your writing is top-notch is an editor.

Why hire a professional editor?

There are many layers to any written text that go beyond simple grammatical and typographical errors. Word choice, run-on sentences, consistency, flow, punctuation and logic are, among others, are all a part of writing, and each of those elements must be polished if you want your content to read well. It’s about so much more than just being grammatically correct - your content needs to make sense to a reader and have its own voice in order to draw attention to itself.

The problem is, we’re all quite bad in spotting imperfections in our own writing. This is exactly why an editor is so integral to the writing process. Whether we’re talking about website content, official documents, or any other form of writing, a professional second opinion can save you a lot of time, money, and frustration.


What makes a good professional editor?

Once you do decide to hire an editor to help you out with your written content, you want to be sure that you’re really getting your money’s worth. Editing is a far more involving process than it may initially seem, and it requires a particular set of skills in order to be performed well. Here are a couple traits that every professional editor worth their salt should have:

  1. Good understanding of the written text - a good editor is also a writer, and an avid reader. They are capable of looking at the content through the lens of a true specialist that at the same time respects the writer’s original intent and immediately notices all the ways in which it can be improved, with a reasonable amount of restraint in their editing decisions.
  2. Critical thinking - all the writing skills in the world won’t help an editor if they don’t have the critical thinking skills to back it up. They need to be able to critically evaluate a piece of content and determine what changes need and should be made - if any.
  3. Setting goals - when starting the editing process, a good editor needs to have a firm grasp on what they want to achieve. Are they simply fishing out typos, or is their task making the whole content sound different compared to what it already is? Without a good goal set from the start, it’s hard to decide on what needs to be done to make it better.

The most reliable editors in Canada

Though it’s not hard to come across editors looking for work, it’s always a challenge to find someone who has the skill and experience to really excel at the task. Edit my paper is one such group of editors. With various edit-tiers to choose from, you can get the optimal writing for your price range.

Edit My Paper